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EPRT™- Emotional Pathway Release Technique - 6 CEUs LIVE CLASS
EPRT™- Emotional Pathway Release Technique - 6 CEUs LIVE CLASS

Sat, Jun 22


Fort Wayne, IN

EPRT™- Emotional Pathway Release Technique - 6 CEUs LIVE CLASS

EPRT™ utilizes the reflex areas on the feet with therapeutic essential oils. The technique focuses on old emotional pathways that limit a persons full potential and serves to “re-route” sympathetic nerve reactions that can be the underlying cause of chronic pain and health challenges.

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Time & Location

Jun 22, 2024, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Fort Wayne, IN, Fort Wayne, IN, USA

About the Event

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Fort Wayne, IN

Private Residence

(We will let you know the address 1 week in advance)

9:00am - 4:00pm CST

Cost:   $150.00


Recommended hotel - Best Western I69N 2902 E Dupont Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825, 260-490-7950

Make reservation and let them know you are with ReflexOILogy™

Provider: ***NCBTMB Provider #1497***MS Provider #146***ARCB #SA000173***FL 50-22757***

Instructor: Laurie Azzarella, LMT, CRR, Reflex-OIL-ogy™ Executive Director

This Emotional Pathway Release Technique™ - EPRT™ class will teach a Reflex-OIL-ogy™ assessment technique to isolate and release congestion from past physical trauma and balance the emotional impact using a sequence of techniques. The class will focus on identifying emotional pathways revealed in the physical body, with chronic aches, pains or health issues. EPRT™ incorporates the Reflex Areas of the feet, the limbic system using essential oils, meridian and energy pathways, spinal nerve reflex areas and hormonal systems. This class will present an avenue for identification and resolve of long standing issues in a positive and non-threatening way using 

Reflex-OIL-ogy™ Techniques.

You will be able to identify congested Reflex Areas of the organs, glands, muscles and spinal innervations on the feet, correlate them with an Emotional Pathway and release using essential oils and alternating thumb and/or finger pressure.

You will learn how to identify underlying emotional pathways in congested reflex areas, identify the element of that organ, write a release script and suggest affirmations to client.

Laurie Azzarella, Founder of EPRT™, has been using this technique on clients since 2010. The results have shown to be life changing and long lasting. The sequence in which it is taught and applied engages all the communication systems of the body and yields an influential shift in Spirit, Mind and Body.

This six hour class will enable you to finally identify and resolve your innermost long standing issues in a positive and non-threatening way. For Reflexologists it helps to clear those stubborn Reflex Areas.

Provider: ***NCBTMB Provider #1497***MS Provider #146***ARCB #SA000173***FL 50-22757***

Presented by Laurie Azzarella, LMT, CRR Reflex-OIL-ogy™ Executive Director


Payment/Cancellation Policy

Payment/Cancellation Policy

A minimum of a $100.00 deposit is required with your registration. 

Balance is due the morning of the actual class.

Reflex-OIL-ogy™ reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any pre-registered class that does not meet the minimum number of pre-registrations up to seven days prior to the class.  If the class needs to be rescheduled, registered students may choose between receiving a full credit towards a future class or a refund of their fee, minus processing fees. 

If a life event forces you to cancel your participation, a refund, minus processing fees, will be issued with a legitimate cancellation request received seven days prior to the class.  After that, you will receive a credit for a future class. 

For more information please contact Reflex-OIL-ogy™at


  • FULL PAYMENT - Pay Online

    Registration for the Reflex-OIL-ogy™ - Emotional Pathway Release Technique. This includes a $6 processing fee.

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  • FULL PAYMENT - Pay by Check

    Registration for the Reflex-OIL-ogy™ EMOTIONAL PATHWAY RELEASE. Please mail check for $150 to; Laurie Azzarella, 28347 Turkey Branch Dr, Daphne, AL 36526. This will register you for the class, but payment must be received in order to secure your spot.

    Sale ended
  • Deposit - PAY Online

    Emotional Pathway Release Technique. This includes a $3 processing fee.

    Sale ended



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Laurie Azzarella Provider: NCBTMB # 1497, ARCB #P00173, MSBMT #146, FL #50-22757, IIR Phase V, NCRE #0023

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