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Emotional Pathway Release Technique - EPRT
Emotional Pathway Release Technique - EPRT

Sun, Jun 30


Daphne, AL

Emotional Pathway Release Technique - EPRT

EPRT helps us to connect the dots with a sequential technique to isolate and release the stuck trauma from our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies. It incorporates the limbic system using essential oils, meridian and energy pathways, nerve and hormonal systems and reflexes on the feet.

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Time & Location

Jun 30, 2019, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Daphne, AL, 28347 Turkey Branch Dr, Daphne, AL 36526, USA

About the Event

Sunday, June 30, 2019

28347 Turkey Branch Dr

Daphne, AL 36526

10:00am - 2:00pm CST

Cost: $95.00


Provider: ***NCBTMB Provider #1497***MS Provider #146***ARCB #SA000173***FL 50-22757***

Instructor: Laurie Azzarella, LMT, CRR, Reflex-OIL-ogyâ„¢ Executive Director

Chronic pain, patterns of discomfort, emotional upsets, personality outbursts and even organ disfunction can be caused by emotional issues that become areas of congestion within our bodies. Past traumatic occurrences can have lingering effects that we are not consciously aware of. Our sympathetic nervous system can react in many ways and if left unresolved can manifest in a physical change or personality quirk.

EPRT helps us to connect the dots with a sequential technique to isolate and release the stuck trauma from our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies. It incorporates the limbic system using essential oils, meridian and energy pathways, nerve and hormonal systems and of course the reflex areas of the feet.

Laurie Azzarella, Founder of EPRT, has been using this technique on clients since 2010. The results have shown to be life changing and long lasting. The sequence in which it is taught and applied engages all the communication systems of the body and yields an influential shift in Spirit, Mind and Body.

This four hour class will enable you to finally identify and resolve your innermost long standing issues in a positive and non-threatening way.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

28347 Turkey Branch Dr

Daphne, AL 36526

10:00am - 2:00pm CST

Cost: $95.00


Provider: ***NCBTMB Provider #1497***MS Provider #146***ARCB #SA000173***FL 50-22757***

Presented by Laurie Azzarella, LMT, CRR Reflex-OIL-ogyâ„¢ Executive Director


Payment/Cancellation Policy

Payment/Cancellation Policy

A minimum of a $100.00 deposit is required with your registration.

Balance is due the morning of the actual class.

Reflex-OIL-ogyâ„¢ reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any pre-registered class that does not meet the minimum number of pre-registrations up to seven days prior to the class. If the class needs to be rescheduled, registered students may choose between receiving a full credit towards a future class or a refund of their fee, minus processing fees.

If a life event forces you to cancel your participation, a refund, minus processing fees, will be issued with a legitimate cancellation request received seven days prior to the class. After that, you will receive a credit for a future class.

For more information please contact Reflex-OIL-ogyâ„¢at



    Registration for the Reflex-OIL-ogyâ„¢ - Emotional Pathway Release Technique on SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2019 IN DAPHNE, AL. This includes a $4 processing fee. To avoid the processing fee, you can register under Manual Pay and mail in check.

    Sale ended

    Registration for Reflex-OIL-ogyâ„¢ EMOTIONAL PATHWAY RELEASE on SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2019 IN DAPHNE, AL. *Rate Includes $2.00 Online processing fee* Balance will be due in CASH at the beginning of class. If you would like to avoid the processing fee, you can register under Manual Pay.

    Sale ended

    Registration for the Reflex-OIL-ogyâ„¢ EMOTIONAL PATHWAY RELEASE on SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2019 IN DAPHNE, AL. Please mail check for $95 to; Laurie Azzarella, 28347 Turkey Branch Dr, Greenville, AL 36526. This will register you for the class, but payment must be received in order to secure your spot.

    Sale ended

    Registration for Reflex-OIL-ogyâ„¢ EMOTIONAL PATHWAY RELEASE on SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2019 IN DAPHNE, AL. Please mail check for $50 to; Laurie Azzarella, 28347 Turkey Branch Dr, Daphne, AL 36526. Balance will be due in CASH at the beginning of class.

    Sale ended



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Laurie Azzarella Provider: NCBTMB # 1497, ARCB #P00173, MSBMT #146, FL #50-22757, IIR Phase V, NCRE #0023

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