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Reflexology: Phase I & II, Oct 8 & 9, 2021, 2-Day Workshop
Reflexology: Phase I & II, Oct 8 & 9, 2021, 2-Day Workshop

Fri, Oct 08


Cumberland, MD

Reflexology: Phase I & II, Oct 8 & 9, 2021, 2-Day Workshop

This two day Workshop will give you instruction in the art of Foot Reflexology along with an introduction the anatomy and physiology of every body system.

Registration for this class is now closed. Please see our other upcoming events!
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Time & Location

Oct 08, 2021, 8:00 AM CDT – Oct 09, 2021, 5:00 PM CDT

Cumberland, MD, Cumberland, MD 21502, USA

About the Event


2 Day Workshop

Sleep Inn & Suites

13320 Ali Ghan Road NE

Cumberland, MD 21502

8:00-5:00 each day

PHASE I (New Students) $375


PHASE II (Returning Students) $250


PHASE IV (Certification EXAM) $250

16 CEU

Instructor: Laurie Azzarella

This two day Workshop will give you instruction in the art of Foot Reflexology along with an introduction the anatomy and physiology of every body system.


You will experience just how, where and how long to apply the scientific method of Reflexology to the feet, which cannot be obtained from books alone. These special techniques, when applied to the feet and hands, have a natural way of relaxing nerve tension and improving nerve and blood supply.


Phase I and Phase II Workshops will give you a firm foundation in Reflexology techniques upon which you can build with more specific Reflex-OIL-ogy™ modules.  These two workshops are prerequisites for Phase 3, IIR’s advanced Proficiency Workshop.


PHASE l WORKSHOP - 2 day workshop

Learn the Ingham Method® of Reflexology techniques to help yourself, your family and friends. The Ingham Method® is a simple, effective method of helping the whole body in a natural way. These Workshops consist of theory and practical application where you will learn how to properly apply Ingham Method® of Reflexology. We welcome professionals and laymen alike.

PHASE 2 WORKSHOP - 2 day workshop

Refresher of Phase 1. Before moving on to Phase 3 (advanced techniques) you will refresh theory and basic techniques making sure that you are doing them properly before moving on to advanced techniques. This workshop may be repeated as often as you wish.


Please plan on staying late the first day of class for practical part of exam.  

Be prepared for the written exam on following day with 2 lead pencils with erasers. 

For more information on the International Institute of Reflexology Ingham Reflexology Method training please go to:  



  • Online Pay-Returning Student

    Full Registration for Continuing Student *Includes $9 Online Processing Fee* Registration for the PHASE Il : 2-DAY WORKSHOP (for continuing students) on FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8&9, 2021 IN CUMBERLAND, MD, 8:00am-5:00pm both days

    Sale ended
  • Online Payment - New Student

    Full Payment for Registration. *Includes $14 Online Processing Fee* Registration for the PHASE l : 2-DAY WORKSHOP on FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8&9, 2021 IN CUMBERLAND, MD, 8:00am-5:00pm both days IN DAPHNE, AL. 28347 Turkey Branch Drive, Daphne, AL 36526

    Sale ended

    DEPOSIT FOR Reflexology Phase I/II (to hold space in class) **Rate includes $4 processing fee** Registration for the PHASE l/II : 2-DAY WORKSHOP on FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8&9, 2021 IN CUMBERLAND, MD, 8:00am-5:00pm both days Remaining balance will be due in CASH the morning of the first class.

    Sale ended
  • Manual Pay - New Student

    Full Payment for Registration. Registration for the PHASE l : 2-DAY WORKSHOP on FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8&9, 2021 IN CUMBERLAND, MD, 8:00am-5:00pm both days Please mail $375 to; Laurie Azzarella, 28347 Turkey Branch Drive, Daphne, AL 36526. This will reserve your space but payment must be received to secure your spot. This will register you for class, but payment must be received to confirm your spot!

    Sale ended
  • Manual Pay-Returning Student

    Full Registration for Continuing Student Registration for the PHASE Il : 2-DAY WORKSHOP (for continuing students) on FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8&9, 2021 IN CUMBERLAND, MD 8:00am-5:00pm both days PLEASE MAIL CHECK FOR $250 TO; LAURIE AZZARELLA, 28347 TURKEY BRANCH DRIVE, DAPHNE, AL 36526. This will register you for the class and hold your spot. BUT payment must be received to confirm your spot.

    Sale ended
  • Manual Pay - DEPOSIT

    DEPOSIT FOR Reflexology Phase I/II (to hold space in class) Registration for the PHASE l/II : 2-DAY WORKSHOP on FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8&9, 2021 IN CUMBERLAND, MD, 8:00am-5:00pm both days. PLEASE SEND CHECK FOR $100 TO; LAURIE AZZARELLA, 28347 TURKEY BRANCH DRIVE, DAPHNE, AL 36526. This will register you for the class but payment must be received to confirm your spot. Remaining balance will be due the morning of first class.

    Sale ended
  • Certification EXAM -Manual Pay

    Full Registration for PHASE 4 WORKSHOP STUDENTS Please plan on staying late the first day of class for practical part of exam. Be prepared for the written exam on following day with 2 lead pencils with erasers. PLEASE MAIL CHECK FOR $250 TO; LAURIE AZZARELLA, 28347 TURKEY BRANCH DRIVE, DAPHNE, AL 36526. This will register you for the class and hold your spot. BUT payment must be received to confirm your spot.

    Sale ended



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Laurie Azzarella Provider: NCBTMB # 1497, ARCB #P00173, MSBMT #146, FL #50-22757, IIR Phase V, NCRE #0023

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