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How is your Liver

Listen to Laurie Azzarella, LMT, CRR and Founder of Reflex-OIL-ogy™ as she lists the symptoms of a sluggish, congested, struggling liver. Many of these symptoms can indicate a wide variety of causes, but since the liver has over 5,000 life supporting responsibilities, it seems the liver is a good place to start your investigation into your health. Reflex-OIL-ogy™ is a non-invasive therapy that works through your feet to access and assess your internal organs, glands and body parts. Applying premium life force essential oils to congested reflex areas helps to release blockages and promote proper body functions. Laurie Azzarella offers classes throughout the country as well as internationally to anyone and everyone interested in better health naturally. Reflex-OIL-ogy™ is an empowering tool that helps you to understand, acknowledge and reconnect with your inner self, your organs and glands. Reflex-OIL-ogy™ is the Foundation to Wellness. We invite you to see what educational classes, open to all, are being offered live across the country as well as online home study modules by viewing the link to our web page below: Signs of a Sluggish Over Burdened Liver Some clues that could mean your liver is congested: Alleries Bad breath Bloating, gassy after eating Bruising, bleeding easily Chemical intolerance Coated tongue Decreased effectiveness to medication Edema, ascites Excessive alcohol intake Excessive body heat Forgetfulness, poor concentration Fatigue Gallbladder Problems, Gallstones Headaches, Migraines High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Hormonal Imbalances Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS Itching, rashes Jaundice Loss of appetite Lowered immunity Mood or behavior swings Nausea Oily Skin Poor digestion Reoccurring colds, fevers, mucus Skin blemishes Sluggish metabolism Sleep issues Sugar cravings Varicose Veins Weight Issues How many signs do you have? Consider the possibility that your liver may be calling out for help. To help your liver, start each morning with a large glass of lemon water followed by a bowl of fresh fruit and maybe even a green drink. Your liver needs good hydration and energy to continue cleaning up yesterday's intake load! Try a little Reflex-OIL-ogy™ and sign up for an 8 hour class. Its fun and you will learn so much about your wonderful body!

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